5 Signs Your Security Surveillance System Needs an Upgrade

Whether your wireless security surveillance system is protecting your home or your business, it’s undeniably an important component of any security measure. Securing your property has become a necessity that has been made that much easier and advanced in recent years with the advent of more affordable wireless security technology.

However, technology is moving at a fast pace. With advancing technology, thieves and criminals are advancing too and to keep up with them, it has become necessary to consider upgrading your on a semi-regular basis. But if you’re thinking about replacing your outdated standard security system, we've examined a few important signs that it might be the right time to go out and need an up-gradation with the old and in with the new.

1. Blurry or Grainy Data

One of the biggest signs that your recent security system needs modification is if your cameras are producing low-resolution blurry images. If you are having a bit of difficulty in seeing your footage clearly due to blurriness or graininess, then you should probably consider buying new high-resolution cameras. In the past few decades, high-resolution cameras were costly and not easily available, but advancements in technology have made them more affordable and accessible to everyone.

2. The expansion has become difficult

Another look-out sign of an outdated security system is that it’s stressful to add on more features and manage multiple systems altogether in different locations. In recent times, security systems that exist are now connected to a network, which means that they can directly be accessed through the internet are an ideal choice for every premise. A security system upgrade and expansion would offer more flexibility and scalability because cameras that can be managed with the help of the internet are more reliable than ever.

3. Incapable of Remote Access

As mentioned in the last point, most of the currently designed security systems are connected to a network for remote monitoring. Since the system is connected to a proper internet connection, consumers can view and access their deployed security cameras from anywhere in the world and at any time through the internet. It all can possible with the help of a feature called remote monitoring. This refers to that if you are away, you can still assure the safety of your place by keeping a keen eye. If something bad is about to happen, you would be the first person be find out until it’s too late. A security system up-gradation would ensure you monitor your property in real-time and prevent any mishappening.

4. No Software & Hardware Updating

If you’re using a security surveillance system that never had a software or hardware update, then it’s time for an immediate upgrade. While security systems are meant to provide overall security, they are also not entirely exempt from security breaches and tampering. Security system updates are very important to keep up with pace because they are meant to protect you and your premises from any vulnerabilities that have been detected by the manufacturer beforehand only. 

5. Limited or Negligible Support Available

If you’ve ever called your manufacturer for any kind of technical support and were told that they are no longer supporting your system and denied the help, then this is a pure definite sign that you need a security system upgrade as soon as possible. Even though your security system may still be working, yet it could break down or malfunction any time shortly. When anything like this happens wireless security surveillance system, you should be sure that you can get all of the support from your respective manufacturer. 

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